In Memoriam – Joseph Rowe
Canon Francois Legaux – Rev. Lauren Artress
In Memoriam – Canon Francois Legaux
The passing of Canon Francois LEGAUX—affectionately known as Pere LEGAUX—saddens me. He was a warm hearted, kind, Roman Catholic priest who was dean of Chartres Cathedral when I was first exploring the labyrinth and was led to the doors of Chartres Cathedral. Though...
The Labyrinth – A Watering Hole For The Spirit
During this hinge time, the labyrinth can be a watering hole for the spirit. Here is a talk I gave at Unity of Walnut Creek last September:
Full Circle: The Canvas Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral
Monday morning, May 18th, I stood outside the wire mesh fence that now encloses the entire back of the nave including the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth. On that quiet, misty morning few people were around to witness the workmen, focused on only their tasks, cover the...
2014 Spirituality Conference at Cathedral of St. Philip
I am pleased to be the keynote speaker for the upcoming 2014 Spirituality Conference at Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, October 25th. You can see the details and register on the Cathedral of St. Philip website.
An Amazing Day!
On the morning of the Inauguration of the La Falda Labyrinth we dress up in clothes far dressier then the work clothes we worn the last five days. Over breakfast we attempt to name this labyrinth. We talk about the words “prayer” and “meditation” and what works best...
On Perseverance
My roots are as a corn-fed Ohioan. My family prides itself on knowing what hard work is. So here I am building a labyrinth in La Falda Argentina—sponsored by the Alla Arriba Retreat Center—with an amazing group of Veriditas folks. It is hard work. Our group is...
This is not right for me…
Our experience in La Falda deepened today. The wonderful Adoba meal faded into lifelong memory as we prepared to go to the Temescal—the Argentinean version of a sweat lodge. The shaman—straight out of central casting with long black hair, a handsome square jaw and...
Peace in Our Hearts
The gifts continue to unfold our first full day at the Alla Arriba Retreat Center. The food is tasty, fresh, all healthy and well prepared. In the afternoon we had a “music workshop” with Alberto Kuselman and Marisa Arrieta. Alberto is in Argentina like Bono in the...
Gifts from the Labyrinth
Many gifts have come into my life through the labyrinth. The adventure I am on now is in La Falda, Argentina with five board members, our Veriditas ED, a labyrinth builder, spouses and friends. A bit of background: the Board of Veriditas through Christine Katzenmeyer...
Lauren Artress
A Leading Force in the Modern Labyrinth Movement
The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress is Canon Emeritus of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and the author of Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice, and The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform (Putnam/Riverhead Books, New York). Her latest book The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Creative, Healing and Visionary Powers is inspired by her thirty years of work with the Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral.
In addition to her writings on the labyrinth, Dr. Artress is a spiritual guide, speaker and trainer, and the founder of Veriditas, a non-profit dedicated to introducing people to the healing, meditative powers of the labyrinth.
Veriditas is a 501c3 non profit incorporated in the State of California in 1995 by Lauren Artress. The word "Veriditas" originated with Hildegard of Bingen and means "the greening power of life".
Grace Cathedral is home to not just one but two labyrinths — and to the Modern Labyrinth Movement. We welcome you to our labyrinths as a walking meditation, a spiritual practice or simply an opportunity to calm the mind and enjoy peace, quiet and reflection.
The World-Wide Labyrinth Locator has been designed to be an easy-to-use database of labyrinths around the world.