A Leading Force in the
Modern Labyrinth Movement
Come on Pilgrimage with Lauren Artress and Veriditas in Chartres, France this year. There are several unique programs to explore at Veriditas.org/Chartres.
Spiritual Pioneer
The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress is a spiritual pioneer and a leading force in introducing the labyrinth globally.
Lauren Artress is an Episcopal priest, spiritual director and licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of California.
A masterful speaker and teacher, Lauren engages and challenges her audience to address the spiritual hunger in the Western world and to seek innovative answers.
Her introduction of the labyrinth into contemporary awareness imbues new meaning of this ancient practice that ignites the imagination, fosters intuition yet is devoid of sin and guilt. Through her personal work with the labyrinth, Lauren lives out her ‘soul-assignment’.
Founder of Veriditas
Lauren founded the non-profit, Veriditas, the World-Wide Labyrinth Project in 1996 to “pepper the planet with labyrinths”. With over 6000 labyrinth sites in the US alone, her non-profit work embraces the vision to activate and transform the human spirit through the labyrinth experience.

Lauren Artress has helped thousands of people to experience this ancient spiritual practice that awakens one’s intuition and focuses the imagination as a creative force.
Inside the ancient practice of labyrinth walking
NBC Today Show
January 30, 2023
Walking through a labyrinth has become a great option for people who want the benefits of meditation with activity and walking. NBC’s Harry Smith visits the Civana Wellness Resort for a walk with an ancient connection.

Monthly Candlelit Labyrinth Walks with Music
Grace Cathedral | San Francisco, CA
Come spend the evening with us… walk the labyrinth, meditate, pray… drop by, bring a friend, stay awhile, and leave when you like. Experience the beauty and splendor of Grace Cathedral by candlelight… after hours.
Co-hosted by the Grace Cathedral Labyrinth Guild and Veriditas, Monthly Candlelight Labyrinth Walks with Music are held the second Friday of every month, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Lauren Artress
A Leading Force in the Modern Labyrinth Movement
The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress is Canon Emeritus of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and the author of Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice, and The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform (Putnam/Riverhead Books, New York). Her latest book The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Creative, Healing and Visionary Powers is inspired by her thirty years of work with the Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral.
In addition to her writings on the labyrinth, Dr. Artress is a spiritual guide, speaker and trainer, and the founder of Veriditas, a non-profit dedicated to introducing people to the healing, meditative powers of the labyrinth.
Veriditas is a 501c3 non profit incorporated in the State of California in 1995 by Lauren Artress. The word "Veriditas" originated with Hildegard of Bingen and means "the greening power of life".
Grace Cathedral is home to not just one but two labyrinths — and to the Modern Labyrinth Movement. We welcome you to our labyrinths as a walking meditation, a spiritual practice or simply an opportunity to calm the mind and enjoy peace, quiet and reflection.
The World-Wide Labyrinth Locator has been designed to be an easy-to-use database of labyrinths around the world.