Labyrinths & Lauren In the News
Labyrinth walking: An ancient activity that could help ease anxiety
by Norman Miller
BBC Travel’s Well World
8 May 2024
Walking labyrinths has become an increasingly popular global method of reducing stress by integrating the mind and the body.
Lauren Artress: A Life in Sacred Motion
by Eleanor Vincent
Generations Today
“When you’re moving, your mind quiets more easily. You can get into a flow. It’s so important as we age to become comfortable in our inner world. I am terrible at sitting still, and that’s one reason I was drawn to walking meditation”
The Pandemic-Era Appeal of Getting Lost in a Labyrinth
By Laura Bliss
July 29, 2020
Interest is growing in the intriguing structures designed for mindfulness, from backyard installations to finger tracing.
MapLab: Enter the Labyrinth
By Laura Bliss
July 29, 2020
From the nave of Chartres Cathedral in France, to church courtyards around the Bay Area, to stenciled-on paper traced with fingers via Zoom, thousands of spiritually curious minds have followed Lauren Artress down the winding unicursal paths known as labyrinths.

photo by Lars Howlett for Veriditas
A walk with queen of the labyrinth
By Beth Spotswood
San Francisco Chronicle
February 15, 2017
Labyrinths Offer Homeowners a Pathway to Peace
by Amy Gamerman
The Wall Street Journal
December 17, 2015
Community consecrates new labyrinth at Grace Episcopal Church
by David Stoneberg
The Weekly Calistogan
November 18, 2015
The very popular Land’s End Labyrinth on the edge of the Pacific ocean was vandalized yet again. But this time, every stone was thrown into the sea. The rebuilding of it became a huge effort that built community along with the labyrinth.
Labyrinth Lovers Unite to Undo Vandalism at Lands End
by Rachel Swan
September 15, 2015
The work of Veriditas is spreading around the globe. We were delighted to see these photos from Huffington Post. They show many labyrinths including the indoor one at Grace Cathedral where the modern labyrinth movement—so named in 1998 by the New York Times—began.
Spiritual Labyrinths To Get Lost And Found In (PHOTOS)
Huffington Post
January 13, 2014
In troubled times, more people turn to labyrinths to walk their worries away.
Heather Knight
The San Francisco Chronicle
February 28, 2003
Labyrinths offer retreat for prayer and meditation
Houston Chronicle
July 22, 2006
The Labyrinth A Walk to Life or a Walk to Death?
Steve Muse
Eastern Regional Watch
August 2004

photo courtesy MORE Magazine
“The Path of Peace” Better Homes and Gardens (.pdf)
“A Prayer In Motion” Cemetery & Funeral (.pdf)
“A Twisting Walk to Inner Peace. . .” National Report – The New York Time (.pdf)
Lauren Artress at Chautauqua Institution (.pdf)
“One Path with Many Turns” Alternative Medicine (.pdf)
“The Labyrinth – Exploring A Path” Women’s Concerns (.pdf)
“Dream Weaver” MORE Magazine (.pdf)
“Empowerment by Walking the Labyrinth” Perspective (.pdf)
“Walking the Labyrinth” Point of Light (.pdf)
“The Labyrinth as a Path of Wisdom, Wonder, and Healing.” SPA (.pdf)
“Walking the Labyrinth” Journal of Women’s Ministries (.pdf)
“The Labyrinth-Walking Movement” San Francisco Examiner Magazine (.pdf)
“The Myths and the Magic Labyrinths” Natural Home (.pdf)
“Peaceful Path” Tampa Tribune (.pdf)
“Couple Donates” Palm Beach Post (.pdf)
“Dr. Martin . . .” The New York Times (.pdf)
“Into the Labyrinth” Home/Garden (.pdf)
“A Stroll For the Spirit” SELF Magazine (.pdf)
“Walking This Wonderful” Healthy Living (.pdf)
“Walking Your Way” Greenville Journal (.pdf)
“Labyrinth Weekend” The Net (.pdf)

Lauren Artress
A Leading Force in the Modern Labyrinth Movement
The Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress is Canon Emeritus of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and the author of Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice, and The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform (Putnam/Riverhead Books, New York). Her latest book The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Creative, Healing and Visionary Powers is inspired by her thirty years of work with the Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral.
In addition to her writings on the labyrinth, Dr. Artress is a spiritual guide, speaker and trainer, and the founder of Veriditas, a non-profit dedicated to introducing people to the healing, meditative powers of the labyrinth.
Veriditas is a 501c3 non profit incorporated in the State of California in 1995 by Lauren Artress. The word "Veriditas" originated with Hildegard of Bingen and means "the greening power of life".
Grace Cathedral is home to not just one but two labyrinths — and to the Modern Labyrinth Movement. We welcome you to our labyrinths as a walking meditation, a spiritual practice or simply an opportunity to calm the mind and enjoy peace, quiet and reflection.
The World-Wide Labyrinth Locator has been designed to be an easy-to-use database of labyrinths around the world.