In Memoriam – Canon Francois Legaux
The passing of Canon Francois LEGAUX—affectionately known as Pere LEGAUX—saddens me. He was a warm hearted, kind, Roman Catholic priest who was dean of Chartres Cathedral when I was first exploring the labyrinth and was led to the doors of Chartres Cathedral. Though originally against opening the labyrinth there, he visited Grace Cathedral in 1997 and experienced how our Labyrinth Ministry at Grace nourished and changed lives. When he returned to France he opened the labyrinth on a limited basis. He was made Honorary Canon of Grace Cathedral.
He was a mentor to me; a friend. He spoke little English, I spoke no French but when I was teaching him how to spell my last name I wrote out CHARTRES and then crossed out the first two letters and my named appeared. We both laughed with wonder. He loved and lived a full and passionate life.
May he Rest In Peace.